Dr. Frank W. Newman is senior physician and surgeon on the staff of Central Hospital in Elat, Cameroun. Largest and best equipped of the eight Presbyterian hospitals in Cameroun, Central Hospital has supervision of mission medical work within a radius of sixty to one hundred miles. There are two clinics, each fifty to sixty miles away, where Dr. Newman operates two or three times a year. Dr. Newman is giving special attention to the artificial limb project, which employs Africans trained by a Korean. He also spends many hours in the classroom, helping to train Africans for medical service to their ow people.
Dr. Newman comes to his important post in Africa after fifty years of mission work in China. Appointed by the former Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. late in 1935, he arrived in China in 1936, and after a year of language study became superintendent of the Presbyterian mission hospital in Hengyang. During the war Dr. Newman moved the hospital out of the city, beginning a long trek into West China, in the course of which bases were established in two different places. The hospital was re-established in Hengyang in 1946.
After the war Dr. Newman directed the building and equipping of Central Presbyterian Hospital in Siangtan. Following its formal opening in 1949, Dr. Newman remained as superintendent for a year, and then turned over this responsibility to a Chinese doctor. The establishment of the Communist government in China made it impossible for missionaries to continue their work, and Dr. Newman and his family returned to the United States in 1951. He was transferred to his present position in Elat in 1952.
Dr. Newman is from Plainfield, New Jersey, and is a graduate of Williams College and of Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons. He has been resident physician in orthopedic surgery at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital and at Guthrie Clinic in Sayre, Pennsylvania. In 1934 he was married to Elizabeth Anderson, R. N.